
[v0.5] - November 2012
- release NERD ontology v0.5
- api key for programmatic access
- NERD UI dashboard
- combined strategy which enables to launch all extractors while having a conflict resolution mechanism
- automatic language detection
- entity extraction from plain text and SRT files
- add support to SemiTags
- remove support to Evri
[v0.4] - December 2011
- release NERD ontology v0.4
- extraction output implements data model published at LDOW'12
- spotting entity according to OED (One entity per Document), OEN (One entity per Name)
- extraction cache logic
- OpenID authentication
- add support to Lupedia, Saplo, Wikimeta and upgraded to Yahoo! Content Analysis
[v0.3] - September 2011
- add support to Yahoo! Term Extraction, Evri
- content chunk length assessment
- POST enabled queries
[v0.2] - August 2011
- WEKEX2011 evaluation campaign
- release NERD ontology v0.3
- handle user feedback
[v0.1] - June 2011
- release NERD ontology v0.1
- supported extractors: AlchemyAPI, DBpedia Spotlight, Extractiv, OpenCalais, Zemanta
- first public release of the UI, entity recognition and linking from web resources